Spectral Phasor

Phasor approach is powerful technique for visualization and analysis of lifetime and spectral images. The spectra are mapped into a 2D plot according to their emission maximum and spectral widths. Unmixing, segmentation and visualisation becomes easier.



In spectral phasor simillar to temporal phasor the method is to transfer each pixel spectrum to a point in the phasor plot and again, since every component has a specific spectrum, the position in the phasor identifies the spectrum of each pixel. it is shown in the figure as the peak position of the spectrum moves from blue to the red, the phasor point moves along the semicircle from bottom to top.


Or, when the width of the spectrum changes from narrow to wide, the phasor moves from the semicircle to the center of the phasor plot. See figure below:


converting the spectra to a phasor give them a property that they can be treated like vectors. In figure below you see the linear property of phasor, where the total phasor from adding of two basic spectrums falls in a line connecting the phasors of basic spectra:

If we have a spectrum which is composed of 3 pure components, the phasor will fall in a triangle where the vertices are the phasors from pure spectra:


To find the fractional intensities, or the contribution from pure spectra, we need to find out the area that is made by connecting the phasor of the total spectrum, (shown by yellow phasor), to the phasor of pure spectra which are shown by (A1, A2, A3).



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